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Relationships - Centered in Christ

Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. I’m a bit of a...

Grace, grace, wonderful grace!

Do you ever have “duh” moments with God’s Word? I will admit that I have! I will read a word in scripture and fixate on how it was...

Walk with a Purpose

I went on a New Year’s Day hike today with one of my spirit sisters. It was a great hike, but also, a strenuous hike – mostly because...

Guard Your Heart

Feb 16, 2018 I got some sad news this week. The woman who taught me piano as a child was senselessly murdered by her son. He also...

Forgiveness is necessary

Something I've learned over the years is that the source of most issues we have as Christians, stems from us having an "unforgiving...

Faith & Forgiveness

How can one, who has survived sexual abuse, suicidal ideation, chronic eating disorders and abortion, reconcile those experiences with...

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