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  • Writer's pictureallisondpelphrey

A Look Contains A Thousand Words

A little humor and tidbit of wisdom.

In my book, I wrote a chapter on "My Wicked Tongue" - how God delivered me from spewing hurtful words, by literally binding my tongue. Can you say Tongue-tied!?! Still to this day - if I get really upset, I can't speak right! Thank you Jesus!

That used to not be the case - I was gifted/cursed with tearing people up with my tongue and even enjoyed it. I laughed about it being the "family curse" because I wasn't alone. I thought sarcasm was funny. That is until God convicted me about that as well. Sarcasm is defined as "the use of irony to mock or convey contempt". One version defined it as "like tearing the flesh".

Hmmm - yeah - God's no-where in that behavior. Like I said - thankfully I was delivered!

However, recently something happened and someone close to me remarked

"Wow! I just read your mind. It flashed right across your face!"

This person of course laughed. Bellowed actually. Because what had happened at the time was funny and I’m sure the look on my face displayed the absolute hilariousness of the situation. But it made me think. How much of my thoughts do come across my face? Both good thoughts along with the not so good thoughts.

Isaiah 3:9 "The expression of their faces bears witness against them, And they display their sin like Sodom."


Yeah - the "not so good" thoughts still try to rise up in me. Luckily the Holy Spirit has taught me to take them captive and beat down strongholds with the Word of God. But I couldn't help but wonder if a momentary look that flashes across my face might cause someone else around me to waiver in their faith.

You see whether you want to admit it or not - we all make judgements. What statements are we conveying to those around us - our kids, our spouse, our co-workers, our friends - by the look on our face.

Thankfully as I've grown in my faith, the judgements lean more towards God's ways instead of my own, but still - every once in a while - the flesh likes to pop up and try to get in the way.

While God has taught me to exercise self-control with my tongue - and my finger tips (yeah - by not expressing EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT I have on Facebook) - what my friend pointed out reminded me the importance of our countenance as well.

A hurtful - condemning look.

A haughty - self-righteous look.

An arrogant - "I would never" look.

A frustrated - "I can't be bothered by you" look.

An angry - "I don't like you or your invisible friend" look.

Those were the thoughts that used to occupy my mind. I’ve shared a story from my past where I traumatized a young man in the Taco Bell drive up because he had “the audacity to tell me to smile!” Yep – that was me 24 years ago. My heart showed on my face and it wasn’t good.

Proverbs 25:23 The north wind brings forth rain, And a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance.

Job 15:12 "Why does your heart carry you away? And why do your eyes flash”

Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinketh in his heart – so is he.”

My prayer now is “Lord - help me not to ever distract anyone from you by a look on my face! Psalm 4:6 "Many are saying, "Who will show us any good?" Lift up the light of Your countenance upon us, O LORD!" As your word teaches in Proverbs 15:13 "A glad heart maketh a cheerful countenance." Help my heart and face to always show the gladness of the salvation you gave me!”

Ecclesiastes 8:1 "Who is like the wise man and who knows the interpretation of a matter? A man's wisdom illumines him and causes his stern face to beam."

Christian - let your face beam with the knowledge of the salvation within you!

God bless,

Allison Pelphrey

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