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A Palpable Darkness

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Lift your hand toward heaven, and the land of Egypt will be covered with a darkness so thick you can feel it.” Exodus 10:21

I was reading Exodus this morning and ran across this verse that had never jumped out at me before (meaning, I've read Exodus several times and this is the first time I really paid attention to this particular verse). I paused and read it over several times. It's one of those verses that causes one to reflect back into the deepest, darkest recesses of memory.

Have you ever been in such a dark period in your life that you could "feel the darkness"? I know I have. It wasn't a pleasant time of my life. I know now that the darkness came from separation from God. I was in full rebellion against God and all things godly.

It was only when I came to the end of myself that I found the light. That light was God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that was touching my heart to come to Him. To surrender to Him.

Maybe you're in a dark place now. Whether the darkness you are experiencing comes from absence of God in your life, or a trial that is making you question if God is still there - trust me - He is there and He's reaching out to any that will seek Him.

Jonah 4:2 tells us that He is merciful - compassionate - slow to anger - filled with unfailing love - and EAGER to turn back from reigning judgement on those of us who deserve judgement (and that would be all of us). That is the God I've come to know - intimately.

My hope and prayer is that if you find yourself in a dark place - if you don't have a relationship with God and want one - please reach out - I'd be happy to introduce you. I promise - there's a light on the horizon - God will light your path.

If you are a believer - grab hold of Christ and don't let go. Remember back to days that God showed Himself to you and build up your faith. Once you're strong in your faith, remembering what He has done for you in the past - approach His throne with confidence and rest in Him.

Love and prayers,

Allison Pelphrey

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