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Dreams – Spiritual Attack

“3 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do.” 2 Corinthians 10:3 New Living Translation (NLT)

God uses dreams to speak to all of those who believe in Him and follow Him.

I’ve only had a handful of dreams or visions over my life that I’ve remembered the details of. Three of those I detailed in my book “Faith & Forgiveness”. Recently, I’ve had more dreams & visions and I believe in my heart that God is using them to speak to me.

The common belief is that there are three types of dreams/visions.

1. Soulish dream: these come from the flesh – usually inspired by a desire you’re struggling with in the flesh. If you’re dreaming of having sex with someone other than your spouse – it’s soulish.

2. Demonic attacks: these usually are dark in nature and insight extreme fear or dread. Note that God will sometimes give dreams that leave us unsettled, but not in fear of our life.

3. God’s dreams: these are prophetic in nature – God is trying to get you to listen to Him – sometimes He can only do that when we’re asleep. Not all of His dreams include color, but if they do, pay attention to it – it has meaning. If He puts familiar people or a name of a person in your dream, it’s not necessarily the person themselves, but the meaning of their name that points to what God is telling you. Like the name Fred – means wise. So if Fred is giving you a message – pay attention – God is imparting wisdom to you. Atmosphere of the dream is significant to – if it leave you questioning whether God is speaking – seek Him in prayer and He will tell you.

These are just a few nuggets but there is so much more.

On with my first recent dream.

Please note that when I speak of “the enemy”, I’m referring to demonic influences in general. Satan or Lucifer or the devil – whichever term you use. He is not omnipresent – he can’t be everywhere like our God can. But there are many demonic spirits that work along with him or even individually.

I am aware of the enemy’s works just as the scripture tells us to be watchful of them. I try hard not to give them too much credit. I know that my God is supremely more powerful than the enemy. However, the enemy does attack from time to time. It's real. We need to be prepared to act.

Who do they go after? I believe they go after leaders, rulers, kings, presidents and anyone else who influences the masses – both in the secular and Christian spheres. Do They attack the lukewarm Christian or the unbeliever? Nah – don’t think so. They’ve got them right where they want them – so no, it’s not likely they’re targeting them. Although I do believe they use the non-believers and lukewarm (ie. manipulate them through lies) for their despicable purposes.

However, their targets are those who are using the gifts, talents and calling that God has placed on their life to increase the kingdom of God! I think it’s important that we understand how they attack and what that might look like – ALWAYS knowing in your heart you don’t have to fear or succumb – our God is greater!

I decided to share this dream that I had back in October, with you as I believe to the depths that this was a spiritual attack – yet my God showed up and reinforced yet again, that He’s got my back.

October 27, 2019 The dream…

I dreamed there was a mob of people. Some had guns and were shooting, while others were being shot and were falling dead. Others were just scrambling to get out of the way. It was chaotic and dark. I was clearly a target of the shooting portion of the mob but they were hitting everyone else around me.

After some time, I realized I had on fatigues. My fatigues were the only “color” in the dream (brown, cream, gray and green). I also noticed I had on a bullet proof vest. I was also carrying a gun – which I never used.

At one point, a faceless man pulled me out of the mob. It was like we were stepping through a portal. At that point, it was like I was watching a movie on a screen.

Then I woke up.

Events around that time and more recent…

I had just blogged the night before about Entertaining Spirits – pagan god Dionysus – venerated by plays (movies) put on for him, and how we as Christians need to be careful about what we watch.

Also, that same night/morning, I had fasted and prayed (with a dear friend) against the witchcraft movement that was directed at President Trump.

I woke up feeling a heavy sense of dread, but yet I knew that this was an important dream. I prayed asking God to reveal why I dreamed that dream. Over time, He revealed the truth of it.

Note that since having this dream, I began teaching my Bible study group about Spiritual Authority and Spiritual Warfare. I believe this had something to do with it as well.


After listening extensively to Christian (spirit-filled) teacher, John Paul Jackson, and studying how to interpret dreams over the past couple of months, and seeking input from others gifted in this area, and MOST IMPORTANTLY seeking God’s counsel, here’s what I believe happened.

Significant points: Mob, guns, chaos, color of my fatigues, bullet proof vest, portal, faceless man, movie

Breaking it down…

I believe the dream started out as a spiritual attack. I had gone against the enemy on two fronts and now they turned on me. I believe this was to insight fear, to stop me from writing, teaching others how to identify and oppose them and praying against their influence on government, church leadership across the world and fellow Christians.

The mob…

The mob indicates false accusation. This could mean that someone is gossiping about me OR the enemy may be coming against me to falsely accuse me before God (read book of Job – I’m not righteous in and of myself – but the Holy Spirit in me makes me righteous). The chaos of the mob also indicates disorder – running to get out of the way. Used to insight fear.

The dark colors…

The darkness of the dream (like an old-time black and white movie but darker) denotes a spiritual attack. God shows himself through brilliant colors all throughout the scripture. So dark colors is believed to mean it’s demonic. The atmosphere of the dream was not godly – in the beginning.

My fatigues…

It wasn’t until the shooting began and I saw people dropping around me that it occurred to me that the color of my fatigues was the only color present in the dream. I believe that God interceded in my dream – He injected the color to let me know that He was with me. The brown colors in my fatigues denote compassionate care – nurturing. My protective stance against Trump and writing to teach others truths that God had revealed to me. The green denotes prosperity, nourishment and growth – I believe this is my spiritual growth (daily) and desire to help others grow. The cream/yellow denotes purity/holiness. Gray denotes a shield and balance. I'm not tooting my own horn but these are all important points in my daily walk with God!

The bullet proof vest…

I was also wearing a bullet proof vest – which I believe means that I was armored up (breastplate of righteousness).

The guns…

The gun indicates spiritual authority (if a Christian is shooting) or a spiritual attack (if non-Christian shooting). I had used spiritual authority through Christ to pray against the enemy’s attack on Trump and I had written a blog that was read by many – exposing the influence of TV’s in our homes as a tool of the enemy. So therefore, the enemy turned the “guns” on me.

I too was carrying a gun – but I never had to use it. The gun in the hands of the enemy represents the spiritual attack. The gun in my hand represents Spiritual Authority I have ONLY through the name of Jesus Christ. I had put together a study on Spiritual Authority a long time ago. I recently shared it with my friend Maria (who then taught her Bible study group). And I began teaching on these truths to my Bible study group. I believe the enemy was coming against me for this reason as well – to try to stop me from sharing what God showed me with others. The enemy wants powerless Christians walking around. Not gonna happen on my watch!

The movie screen…

The TV/Theater/Stadium means it’s on display – visible – that I’m going to be shown something; given clarity; spiritual insight. It also indicates a place of tremendous impact. This could be my current book or maybe a future book or even something through my teaching/speaking ministry.

That’s up to God! It's not me, but God in me and working through me!

The faceless man…

The faceless man I believe was an Angel of the Lord. He pulled me out of harm’s way – just as God is always the protector of His children.

To sum it up…

It began as a spiritual attack – I was the target – I knew they were after me, even though others around me were falling. The mob indicates that there are those that may be gossiping about me or the enemy is accusing me before God. However, the injection of color on me I believe shows that God intervened and brought my attention to the bullet proof vest. I don’t have to fear because I am armored. I had my gun – which is my spiritual authority – God’s Word on my tongue - through Christ. I was pulled out of harm’s way by an Angel of the Lord. I’m under God’s protection. The enemy can throw anything at me he wants to, but I belong to God – He is my hero – my protector. The victory is mine through Christ alone.

Supporting verses (always - God will give you His Word through the revealing of His message to you):

My key verse:

6  Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (Deuteronomy 31:6-8 King James Version KJV King James Version)

17 But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken (Isaiah 54:17 New Living Translation (NLT))

4 But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. (1 John 4:4 New Living Translation (NLT))

8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 9 Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. (1 Peter 5:8-9 New Living Translation (NLT))

God bless and happy dreaming!

Allison Pelphrey

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