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  • Writer's pictureallisondpelphrey

Faith & Forgiveness

How can one, who has survived sexual abuse, suicidal ideation, chronic eating disorders and abortion, reconcile those experiences with God’s love? We live in a world filled with broken people, just like this, who need to know that there is a God who has not forsaken them and wants to lead them through healing and restoration, regardless of their past. I've written a book, "Faith & Forgiveness", that details the life of one who has walked through such fire and has come out on the other side, fully healed and restored to the woman of God that she was intended to be. Coming to a store near you!

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Feb 26, 2019

I Love you Maria!


Maria Greene
Maria Greene
Feb 26, 2019

WOW! I am completely humbled and blessed by this post. Allison, may God wrap His arms around you today. I am blessed to call you my sister in Christ and have you walk with and encourage me in my faith walk! God's love sweet friend!

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