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Jesus is a Change Agent

"Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do." (Colossians 3:12-13)

The Holy Spirit in us, is a change agent.

Meaning, if Christ lives in you, there will be change taking place in your soul, in your belief systems and in your behavior.

Those who have received Christ as their Savior, are God's elect - His chosen - and His Spitit in us makes us holy and beloved by Him.

We are to behave as such.

This verse tells us that we are to PUT ON these attributes. That's an action on our part - we have to actively engage with the Holy Spirit in us, and act out what we say we believe.

Tender mercies - showing love and grace to those you think, don't deserve it.

Showing Kindness, in a dark world, consumed with hate.

Meekness - complete submission to God - in ALL areas, not just the ones you choose.

Humility - acknowledging that you're just not as important as you like to think you are.

And patience - bearing with one another - including those who get on your last nerve - remembering that you too can be just as irritating to others.

Let's not forget the last part - forgiveness. That means forgiving everything and everyone - ALL offense.

If Christ forgave you of your sins, who are you to hold unforgiveness towards others?

This verse makes it clear. You MUST forgive - just as Christ forgave you. No lip service - but true forgiveness - from the heart. It's a choice in our will to release another of their sin - perceived or real - against you.

If you refuse to forgive others - then the question is, does Christ really live in you?

If you can't say with certainty that He does - I pray you settle that question today and then - let the love of God shine through you.

Blessings, Allison Pelphrey

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