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Out of Decay - Springs New Life

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is IN Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Hiking in the mountains a few weeks ago, my pals and I encountered this little evergreen tree, sprouting out of a decaying tree stump. So we snapped this picture of it. I was so taken with this little sprout defiantly reaching for the sky, from the rotting stump. I instantly related to it. I said out loud to my friends – “Out of decay, springs new life – like me!”.

Years ago, I was like that little sprout – a new life – reaching up to Heaven, out of the darkness of my wounded and decaying heart.

People I meet today, don’t believe me when I tell them how dark my thoughts and heart had become. But I assure you, it’s true. Before I entrusted Jesus Christ with my heart, I was void of any positive emotions: love, empathy, compassion, kindness - they were non-existent in my thoughts and heart. If anything resembling that came out of me, it was a lie – a facade – a mask. It was my desperate attempt to appear normal. But I was so beat up and broken by the world and by my own horrendous decisions.

God knew the truth of just how broken I had become. I am so thankful that He didn’t give up on me. He continued to pursue me, to draw me back into His arms.

Once God’s love broke through the crustiness of my heart, the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17 became real to me. I finally understood what that it meant. I now live the truth of those words, daily.

As we continued our hike that day, I couldn’t help but think of the group of women – we'll call them butterflies (it may sound sappy - but who cares!) – that I have been leading in the “Forgiven and Set Free” study for post-abortion healing.

In the first group meeting we had, the anxiety level in the room was palpable. Some of them had the look of sheer terror in their eyes. Fear of people seeing them – fear of someone knowing their deepest, darkest secret.

I saw in them, my old unwanted companions - shame, guilt, self-hate and yes, unforgiveness. These beautiful women carried them all - on their faces – in their words – in their tears.

I saw the old me in them and my heart literally jumped in my chest! Partly because I was excited for them – I knew what God had in store for them! Yet I still felt their pain – that old familiar ache.

While the ache in my heart is gone, the memory is still there. I believe God allows me to feel it from time to time, today so that I can “empathize” – you know, one of those emotions I could never feel before! And I praise God for restoring my emotions and allowing me to feel something, other than that awful, rage, inside my soul.

I’ve witnessed such beauty as God pierced through the darkness in the hearts and souls of these beautiful butterflies. With each new revelation, I saw light slowly returning to their eyes.

I don’t know that I could ever fully convey the joy I feel today. At this weekend’s Pursuit Women’s retreat at Valle Crucis, I caught the tears of a couple of these ladies, as they squeezed me so tight, and sobbed on my shoulder.

It was followed by our F&SF meeting last night where such laughter and happy tears, filled the room as they shared their experiences and the new release they’ve found! It was absolute joy, seeing the change in their countenance, the light in their eyes, and the release in their voices as they talked about the freedom they’re experiencing.

Folks, that truly is NEW LIFE, SPRINGING FROM DECAY!

The greatest gift God wants to give everyone (that means you – the broken one), is a new spirit and a healed soul! Why wait any longer!?!

As I just texted to my dear friends a moment ago - determine in your heart that NOTHING - and I mean – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! - will ever come between you and God!

Photo by Bernadette Gibson

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