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  • Writer's pictureallisondpelphrey

Overcoming Negativity

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Have you ever felt like your thoughts get out of control? As hard as we try, negative and often ugly thoughts pervade our mind and consume our energy. Sometimes, they’re so strong, you can feel them manifesting in your whole physical being. Your muscles tense up - you clinch your jaw - grit your teeth - end up with stress headaches – often without even realizing it’s happening. Our thoughts are powerful and have long-lasting effects.

While negative events happen in our lives and often are out of our control, adopting a negative attitude is a choice. Whether conscious or subconscious, it is an internal decision we make, to harbor negative thoughts about the events or persons involved.

At what point does a negative attitude become a sin? As 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us we are to take every thought that exalts itself over God’s Word, captive – and surrender it (make it obedient) to God Himself. So, it becomes a sin as soon as it takes root and exalts itself above what God’s word tells us about the situation. At this point it begins to fester, like an open sore, inside your soul. It’s not long until that open wounds starts oozing all over the place.

Usually when we’ve adopted a negative attitude, complaining shortly follows. Negativity and complaining can easily become a habit. One sin is compounded upon by the other. They feed off each other – like a growing organism. Think a bad thought – then voice it. Which leads to thinking even worse thoughts – again voicing it. The monster just continues to grow, until it feels like it’s completely overwhelming. Your thought life is in turmoil. Your demeanor reflects what’s going on in your soul. Seriously – it manifests on you. You will look and feel like you’ve got a dark cloud over your head – people around you sense it. Your nerves and senses are heightened and you can feel your blood boil.

It effects our spirit life as well. The un-repented sin of negativity and unchecked bad behavior, creates a divide between us and God. We lose the peace in our spirit. Our prayers seem to hit the ceiling - usually because we’re praying about the situation with the wrong motive.

At this point, our soul, body and spirit are in turmoil. Then we start to act out. Ugly thoughts become bad behavior. Behavior that can lead to not so good, consequences. By now, we are in complete opposition to the Word of God.

Case in point, as I was thinking about writing this very blog, I ran up against a challenging customer in the workplace. He’s nit-picky! I mean EXCESSIVELY, nit-picky! The first few times, it frustrated me, but I was easily able to comply with his request and shrug it off. I chose to not dwell on his “flaw”, as I saw it. However, the final request bordered on absurdity. It became clear that he enjoyed this little foray and sense of control he had over me. I felt the pride in my heart rise-up. I started thinking hateful thoughts against this person. I literally felt my blood pressure rise – my blood was boiling hot! I got ticked – I mean, REALLY ticked!

My soul was at unrest! My spirit was at unrest! My body was at unrest! My first impulse was to type up a scorching email response to his request – and I did – and it was goooood! You feel me!?! Go ahead, nod yes – I know you’ve been there!

As I sat there, smug as a bug, with my mouse hovering above the “Send” button, the Holy Spirit checked me: “Don’t take the bait!“! I heard Him speak to my spirit.

Me: Ugh! Lord, please! He deserves this! He’s doing this on purpose! He’s just being difficult!

But No, the Spirit was persistent. He returned with…

Galations 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap”.

Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirs up conflict, but LOVE covers all wrongs”.

1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”.


I moved my mouse away from the “Send” button, and deleted the email. I confessed my sin of pride and asked for forgiveness. With God’s help, I composed an email response that was fitting for a child of the King to send. It didn’t feel good in my flesh – at first. But once I sent the God inspired email, I had peace in my soul and spirit that we would find a resolution.

My soul was at peace. My spirit was at peace. My body was at peace. Peace returned to the atmosphere around me. Surrender reaps good consequences!

So, you see, we CAN take our thoughts captive. We don’t have to allow them to dominate us. We don’t have to destroy relationships or even our lives by allowing negativity to rule and bad behavior to follow. Had I persisted with sending that scathing email, I could have lost my job and the blessings that come from having a steady income! I could have destroyed relationships with co-workers that took years to build. Satisfying the flesh can lead to loss and destruction throughout our life.

What does it take to overcome negativity?

  • · Listening to the Holy Spirit within you.

  • · Paying attention to God’s Word planted in your heart and spirit.

  • · Responding to the Holy Spirit when He checks you – stop what you’re about to do!

  • · Asking God for His help to overcome and to lead you.

  • · Weighing your responses to situations, to what God’s Word says – i.e. that means knowing when to speak and when to be quiet – when to act and when to be still!

  • · Believing that God wants to guide you through this.

I encourage you to let God's light shine on the darkness that rises up in our souls. Focus on what is right and good. Sow seeds of righteousness instead of conflict. Bless those around you, and you in turn, will bless God, and He will bless you!

Verses to ponder:

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh Ezekiel 36:26

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25

Inspirational Quotes:

"When we fill our thoughts with right things, the wrong ones have no room to enter."

~ Joyce Meyer

"God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive."

~ Edwin Louis Cole

"A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can't go anywhere until you change it."

~ Author Unknown

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Love you Maria!


Maria Greene
Maria Greene

WOW! What an amazing post Allison. Humble I stand... in conviction. Lord heal and teach me!

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