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  • Writer's pictureallisondpelphrey

Reformation or Transformation

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Are you being reformed or transformed?

There are thousands of different religions, or you can call them belief systems, all of which are looking to REFORM the individual. Reform means "to correct someone or something or cause someone or something to be better."

While that sounds like a great concept, given what I've learned about human nature, it's temporary at best. Just consider our prison systems. Or just read through the Old Testament and see how man's attempts to reform others by laws borders on the impossible. Failure is guaranteed.

I love to hike. When I'm not hiking and I have free time, I watch shows about other people hiking. Hang with me, there is a point in this story.

So, I was watching a show about a group of fellows who backpack. Each night at their campsite, they sit around the campfire talking about their lives. You see, backpacking & bushwhacking to these guys is like a religious experience. I admit I too have had many encounters with God on the trails. But it saddened me when I heard these young men say "Being out here, in the wild, I feel like I'm getting back to nature - back to my primal roots", while the others would grunt and nod in agreement. After listening to them, it was clear they were caught up in existentialism and naturalism. Giving homage to the "mother" earth, but not its creator.

Anyways, on a New Years Eve one of them made the resolution to "reform" his life. His goal was to live "intentionally". Yet in the same breathe he laughed and stated, "How like we humans to know what we need to do, yet we make choices that are counter productive to what we know is good for us!"

He was defeated before he started! Though he wants to realize these changes, it was clear he didn't truly believe or have faith that he could. That's because he was putting his faith in the wrong place - in himself.

It caused me to think back to the years that I too thought I could improve my life on my own. I thought I could reform (ie. fix) myself. During that time in my life my faith was in me, myself and I. Like my fellow hiker, I thought just make a resolution, add a little brute force, and life will get better!


It was futile. Every step I took forward, something would happen (called life) and I would find myself sliding three steps back. It was like being on a rollercoaster. Up one day, down the next, round and round I'd go! No peace. No contentment. It was exhausting!

Then one day, I made the decision to get off that ride. I decided to put my faith in God alone.

You see, there is one, and only one, faith that doesn't reform, but instead TRANSFORMS the individual from the inside, out. That one way is through faith in Jesus Christ. Transform means to "make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of." That is exactly what Jesus did for me. He took a broken, hate-filled vixen and transformed me into a daughter of the King. That is what He wants to do for you. While it wasn't easy on me, the Holy Spirit made progress in me where I had continually failed on my own.

I've said it at least a hundred times, Jesus is a change agent. When you have His Holy Spirit in you, there will be evidence. He starts with the heart. When you make Jesus Lord of your life, His Spirit takes up residence in your spirit. He begins to soften and turn your heart towards His, usually little by little. It starts with a hunger to know more of Him.

Then the Holy Spirit moves towards changing and healing your soul (mind, will & emotions), from the inside, out. t's a process that takes time. Little by little, "from one degree of glory to another." Your life will begin to reflect Jesus IF you stay faithful to the process. I've seen many start and when it got hard (because it always does), they'd fall away and return to old patterns.

To move towards freedom you have to make the decision to step off the rollercoaster - for good. It won't be easy, but it's the only way. Surrender your entire life to Jesus Christ, get into the Word of God, spend time in prayer each day, and watch the transformation begin. Grab hold of Jesus and don't let go.

Treasure the days of small changes. One day you'll be able to look back and see just how far God has brought you. The old life will be just a memory. Sometimes I think back to the rage filled person I used to be and it's like I'm looking at someone else. Cause, guess what!? I am looking at someone else. Im not perfect, but the person I used to be, no longer exists! Jesus transformed me.

Keep the faith and i promise, your life will continually move towards wholeness and peace in Christ. God will walk you through the process just as He walked me through it. But guess what? The process continues and will continue until I take my last breathe on Earth. Daily, I'm reminded by my flesh how I can't do this life on my own and how desperately I need my Savior.

God bless,

Allison Pelphrey

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