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  • Writer's pictureallisondpelphrey

Satan Never Drops You Off Where He Picks You Up!

I heard this quote many years ago from an old time preacher.  It resonated with me, because I had experienced this in my youth, during a time when I gave the devil full access to wreak havoc  in my life.

Satan is the great deceiver.  The father of lies.  The roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour.  He is not a friend to any human, though he often uses that lie to draw the weak into the pit, with him.   He is a counterfeit...a fraud.  He masquerades as an angel of light.  He is a master at making evil look beautiful.

It's important that every believer knows how to detect the enemy working against the Holy Spirit in their life.  When I get the sense in my spirit that something is amiss, I pray and then question myself. Is there some thought or behavior I'm entertaining in my flesh that is opening the door to the enemy?   Nursing any un-repented sin gives the enemy leeway to torment. 

If God doesn't reveal a personal sin to me, then I ask God to reveal if the enemy is working thru someone close to me.  Am I spending time with someone that is distracting me from God's plan, or am I  allowing someone to influence me in a way that is not of God, or is that person participating in sinful behavior that God doesn't want me around?   

Either way, I confront the enemy with the Word of God, and I make adjustments in my life as God leads.  This takes the enemy's power and influence over my life away and puts it back into the Hands of God!

Luke 4:13. When the devil finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. 

Understand that temptation is not from God.  It's from our sinful flesh and the evil one, who is continually looking for opportune times to tempt us away from God.  The devil can't read our mind, but he knows our history, and his memory is impeccable.  He remembers what worked on us before, and he'll revisit that same temptation to us, over and over.   

Matt 6:13 Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

A difficult lesson I've learned is that every time God moves in my life, the devil is quick on my heels, trying to derail me or interfere with what God is doing.

In early years, I fell prey to his wiley ways.  Thank God that as I've drawn closer to God, the Holy Spirit quickly checks my spirit and exposes the lies that the enemy uses to try to pull me away from Gods plan.  God is my deliverer!!   Through the blood of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I can and have overcome the onslaughts of the enemy.

The Lord reminded me of this recently as He revealed the enemy coming against me again.  Why?  Because once again, God is making a big move in my life and the enemy of my soul and yours, doesn't want me to walk in obedience.   When we live in the power of the Holy Spirit and walk according to God's plan, awesome things happen! 

That makes the evil one nervous.  You see, he makes plans too...but they're never for our good. While we should make every effort to not open doors to the enemy, we will all have moments of weakness where the enemy will wreak havoc. The only way we can overcome is by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit working through us.  Confess sin, repent and make necessary changes, receive Gods forgiveness, and press on!! 

1 Cor 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you, except that which is common to all man.  And God is faithful,  He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  When you are tempted, He will provide a way out so that you can endure it.

2 Thes 3:3 the Lord is faithful and He will protect you from the evil one. 

While Satan never drops us off where he picks us up, our God never abandons us or forsakes us.  The truth is, when the enemy is done having his way with us and leaves us in the muck, God is already there, reaching down to lift us up, to clean us off and to restore us to who He wants us to be.  Praise God!

Deut 31:6 Fear not nor be afraid, for the Lord, your God, He it is that doth go with you.  He will not fail you, nor forsake you.



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2 comentarios

08 ene 2019

Allison - This is so powerful !!!!! Thank you - Love you <3

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Maria Greene
Maria Greene
07 ene 2019

Allison, this is an amazing entry. May God manifest be yours today! Discerning the voice of God... armoring up... and living for abundance...walking faithfully! You are an inspiration! I love you!

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