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  • Writer's pictureallisondpelphrey

What about that Promotion?

**An excerpt from the new Bible study book I'm currently writing: "God in the Workplace".

Striving for the next big promotion, bonus or raise, is a theme in the American, as well as the entire world’s, economy. The promise of status or more wealth is usually the driving force. It's almost expected by our peers and often by our family, that we continually move up the corporate ladder, lest we be thought of as a failure. And the competition can be fierce.

Years back I found myself in that very race. I felt the pressure, as I saw peers being promoted and acknowledged for their efforts, while my hard work seemed to go unnoticed. Having come from humble beginnings, it was also a prevalent theme in family conversations. We are driven to succeed. I noticed, one of the first things folks would ask, is “what are you doing these days?”. In my mind, I heard, “you're seriously still doing the same ole thing?!”. This in turn, always caused me to begin to judge and question myself. Why am I not advancing?

Then a big project came along. Others on my team were working on it too, but a large portion of it fell under my area and expertise. It was an exciting project - just the kind that gets the juices flowing. I prayed that God would guide me as the timeline to complete it was short, and I knew it would be stressful. But my confidence is in Him and I knew He would be there for me. In my quiet time, I was led to the following verses:

Isaiah 66:2 These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.”

2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.”

I believed in my spirit that I had God's * FAVOR * and I dove right in.

Favor! That word stirs the soul, doesn’t it? Now the fleshly mind instantly thinks, Promotion! Increase! Prosperity! Right? Be honest. We all think that way. We’re going to get something good at the end of this, right!?! I know my thoughts went there. I had hoped for years for an opportunity to prove myself – to get a promotion and move up financially and in status. I believed God had opened this opportunity for me to show what I was made of. And I still do believe that…to a point. I’ll qualify that statement later…

The project was long and it was hard – many challenges along the way. But management seemed pleased with the progress I was making on many fronts. And at the end of the project, I thought for sure there would at least, be a big bonus and possible promotion and raise. I had seen others benefit like that in the past. I felt confident. Now was my time to shine!

But no - it wasn’t to be so!

We finished the project around the time of the big housing market collapse and the costs of fuel had skyrocketed, in 2008/2009. The project itself cost the company millions of dollars. Essentially, our company, like so many others, had taken some big hits and was in great danger of going under. Believe me, it was dire!

The result was, there was no bonus, no raise and - no promotion!

Even the recognition for the hard work I had done, felt like a lukewarm, limp, handshake. For a moment, I felt as though I had been waylaid, to say the least, as I was certain I had God's favor. Then my emotions took over. I felt cheated – denied my prize. Frustration set in, which eventually moved to anger, as I continued to dwell on it.

Now, keep in mind, I – a single mom - had worked as much as 60 to 80 hours a week, including all weekends and all holidays, for six months straight. And I somehow managed to homeschool my kids at the same time. Just call me Superwoman! Clearly that's who I thought I was, right!?!

It was insane! The result of all the time I gave the company meant that instead of a raise, I essentially took a pay cut. I get paid a salary - a fixed amount - regardless of the hours I work. I worked double the hours for the same pay. Get the picture?! On top of that I was physically exhausted and burned out from the stress and pressure I had been under.

But, I knew it was God that shined His favor on me and He helped me complete the tasks at hand!! Now, I was in a quandary: physically tired, emotionally frustrated, mentally spent and spiritually confused. It didn’t equate. God’s favor = prosperity. Right?

Absolutely! But what God eventually got thru my thick head was, that His idea of favor, promotion and prosperity and man's ideas, are not the same .

We humans tend to believe that we are in control of our destiny, our wealth, our position and stature in society, just by our performance. Some people, who don’t walk with God, do seem able to achieve great amounts of success. But one has to question, at what cost?

Society urges us to reach higher, to be independent and to be trail blazers. It believes that we can achieve anything by our own intelligence and resources. Seeking status and the almighty buck are the hallmark of the successful person. It’s simple right – we can just “will” it to happen, add a little brute force, and voila, there it is.

But for most of us, especially the believers, it never quite works that way, does it? We become baffled when we do all the right things, but the promotion, raise or even acknowledgments never materialize. Why is that?

Well, the truth is that we really, aren’t in control. Again, God‘s idea of favor is different than man’s. He teaches in His Word, that it is He alone, that controls who rises and who falls. He is the one who decides who is poor and who is rich, who will be brought low and who is exalted.

It took me a while to get a handle on this truth that God was teaching me, and as always, I surrendered my hurt feelings to Him – asking Him to forgive my pride and greed. I asked Him to align my expectations with His. I received His forgiveness and pressed on in my job continuing to do the best I could!

You see, when God spoke to my spirit, He said I had His favor, but He never quantified what that favor entailed. It was in my own mind that I decided what gifts God was going to bless me with. My own motives were not for God’s plan for me, but instead, were for God blessing my plans. That was faulty thinking on my part.

What I learned through all this, is that God’s favor is the same thing as His grace. It’s His power working in and thru us. So, it was His power (His favor) that enabled me to complete all the work I needed to do, in the timeline it had to be done. It was His power (His favor) that helped me homeschool my kids during this very stress-filled period.

It was His favor (His Power) that guided me daily, and spurred me on to do the best job I could. I worked with an attitude of Excellence, always present in my mind. My mantra was (and stil is) that I work for God first - man second, knowing that when I strive to please God, man is usually pleased in the end.

But what if we don’t immediately receive the acknowledgment of our hard work from our peers or from God – do we just give up? Not at all! Because if you truly believe you work for God first, then you can rest assured that God is pleased and when He is pleased, He will continue to bless you in every area of your life.

Confirmation of that truth, was that at the time of the project closure, everyone was feeling the hurt of the state of the economy. Many people lost their jobs – but praise God, I didn’t. And eventually, I started to see the impact my hard work had made on management and my peers. I was viewed in a different light. I was treated with much greater respect. When I spoke, people would now listen.

I feel the effects of the success of that project, still today. I earned a level of trust from management and coworkers, in my abilities and judgment due to what I accomplished during that project. But I emphasize, it was only with God's help. I couldn't have done it without Him sustaining me and guiding me every day.

You may be wondering, did I ever receive a promotion? Well, not from man – I still have the same title – still doing what I’ve done for the past 23 years – still working for the same company. But three years after the said project, I reaped what I believe was God’s promotion for my hard work and obedience to Him.

At the end of 2012, God opened the door and guided me as I made a move from Ohio to North Carolina. It had been a 30-year dream of mine, that I believe He had planted in my heart. And in the process, the company I worked for, permitted me to make this move, keeping my current job. I have worked remotely out of my home office, since that time. While remote work is common today, at that time - in our company - it was not. In that, I was a trailblazer! I believe they made concessions for me, because I had proven my worth to the company – with God’s favor!

I will confess that I went around this mountain, at least one more time. Year before last, a coworker was elevated into a position that logically should have been mine. It left me discontent for a short time, until God reminded me of the lesson He had already taught me. I again surrendered my future to God, asked His forgiveness and pressed on. Each time this sin rises up in me and my flesh wants to cop an attitude, God is faithful to remind me, I don’t need to make that journey again.

Remember, God doesn’t work according to man’s logic. He knows more about the future than I do. Had I been moved up to the new position, I wouldn’t have the time or energy to put into my writing – the new passion and calling God put in my heart. God knows best! Trust Him!

Revelation to unfold: I surrender to the truth that I don’t need man’s blessing or promotions, when I know I have God’s blessing and plan for my life!

Keys to remember:

1. Lean on God daily to help you manage the daily tasks and life events

2. Surrender all offense to Him

3. Acknowledge that He had never promises monetary or worldly gifts, but that He will always provide what you need.

4. Understand that everything is in God’s time and His will. God sometimes banks the blessings we earn for a later time – when it fulfills His will.

5. Always be obedient to surrender to God’s will and expectations for your life.

6. Repent of any sins and receive His forgiveness. If you have sinned, it creates a divide between you and God. Always seek to be in right relationship with Him.

7. Press on and strive for excellence in your work, regardless of the payback.

8. Receive His gifts, gracefully, when He blesses you.

Man's way...

People acting in their own self-interest is the fuel for all the discovery, innovation, and prosperity that powers the world. ~ John Stossel

God's way...

2 Tim 3:1-5 But realize this, that in the last days, difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these. (NAS)

Verses to ponder:

Ps 75:7 It is God alone who judges; he decides who will rise and who will fall.

1 Sam 2:7 The LORD makes people poor and he makes people rich, he brings them low, and he also exalts them

James 4:10 Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.

Mark 4:24 - And he said unto them, take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.

Psalms Chapter 115: 14 The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children. 15 Ye [are] blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.

Psalms 18:36 - Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip..

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May 05, 2019

Thank you Lisa. 💕


May 05, 2019

Hi Allison! Love this and thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience. This will help so many of us in the workforce who are following God and face issues!

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