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  • Writer's pictureallisondpelphrey

Why Faith & Forgiveness

It's my birthday today and God gave me this message for someone out there.  Maybe, for all who read this.  So, here's our birthday gift to you.

Several folks have asked why I titled my upcoming book simply, "Faith & Forgiveness".  My response is - I didn't - God gave me that title.   He planted it in my brain before I even wrote the first word in the book.  

Believe me, I was confused by it in the beginning too.  At first, I didn't think it was "catchy" enough to grab people's attention.  But every time I contemplated changing it, or adding to it, I had unrest in my spirit.  

Then God revealed to me that it's not my job to catch attention to the book.  I was only told to write it.  God gave me the title and it's God that will lead the folks to read my story that He wants to read it.  After that, I've had complete peace that it is His will and the title remains as He gave it.

So why those two words?  Well, I've given it considerable thought.  I believe its because those two words are the hallmarks of my spiritual journey. 

I became aware of God at the age of three.  In my first encounter with Him, He instilled a knowledge and FAITH in His existence that stuck with me over the past 50 years.  Even in the times I tried to push Him out of my heart and mind, He was always there.  In my darkest days, deep inside I've always known that the God of the Holy Bible is real and true. 

It was that seed of FAITH that He planted years ago, that ultimately led me to the true FORGIVESNESS I so desperately needed to both extend to others, and to receive for myself.  FAITH & FORGIVENESS are the buzzwords that I've learned to live by. 

I live in a mindset of FAITH in God.  I choose to believe He is who He says He is.  The closer I grow to God, the more I'm able to view and respond to the world around me, thru His eyes.  The closer I grow to God, the stronger my faith becomes that my life is secure in His hands.  I go where He leads.  I step out in obedience as He leads.  His Word is my plum line - my guide for living  day by day,  and often minute by minute.

I live in a mindset of FORGIVENESS.  In the past, I existed for decades with an unforgiving heart.  It was my time in the abyss - it was dark, painful, and full of rage and depression.  I don't ever want to go there again.  Forgiveness was my ticket out of the darkness - it was my ticket to true life. 

Practicing forgiveness daily, helps me to keep from falling back into the pit of despair.   It brings peace, not just to me, but also to those who have hurt, disappointed or offended me.  My forgiveness of others releases God to work in their life as well.  Read Matthew 18 to fully understand this truth.

Practicing forgiveness is a sign of obedience to Gods Word.  As a mother, peace fills my heart when I see my kids following my direction.  It's the same for God.  I'm convinced our obedience in forgiving others, fills Him with peace and joy. 

Mark 11:22-26 teaches us that the unwavering faith that moves mountains,  is the same faith that moves the heart to forgive.  Forgiveness is a choice - NOT a feeling.

If your faith in the true God is real, then you will choose to forgive. 

I'll say that again and louder. 

IF YOUR FAITH IN THE TRUE GOD IS REAL - YOU WILL CHOOSE TO FORGIVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!   No exception - no pretense - no lip service to make yourself look righteous.   You will just do it.

If you have faith, and as my mama used to say, "if you're sick and tired, of being sick and tired", I encourage you to read and meditate on Gods word in Mark 11 for yourself.  Ask God to reveal anyone you need to forgive and allow Him to guide you into true peace and healing.

Mark 11:22-26 New King James Version (NKJV)

22 So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

25 “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. 26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”

Art graphics by  Stacy Dodd - taterdodddesigns

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2 комментария

11 февр. 2019 г.

Praise God. Filled my heart full Lisa. Great birthday gift to know God used my past to help you. Love you! Praying for you!


Lisa Zagers Williams
Lisa Zagers Williams
11 февр. 2019 г.

Thank you Allison! I have been praying about this very subject of forgiveness and how to really forgive everyone no matter what! I have been hurt, disappointed and pushed out of groups socially and at work lately. I am holding a bitter root of resentment & hate toward these people. I know this is not right, I have prayed deeply and you just gave me scripture to guide me - thank you! I will study Matthew 18 and Mark 11. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will choose to forgive!! Happy Birthday and know you wrote this for me today :) Love you

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